april - may 2022 | r. michelson gallery, northampton, ma
Generations, a group exhibit representing artists within the same families and featuring the work of Yehudit and Tamar Shadur. Click HERE for more details about the show on the R. Michelson Gallery website.
JANUary 9 - Febuary 25, 2022 | Maine jewish museum, portland, me.
Papercuts and Tapestries: A Mother Daughter Collaboration, showing a collection of Yehudit Shadur’s papercuts and two mural tapestries woven by Tamar Shadur. Click HERE for more details about the show on the Maine Jewish Museum website.
August 2019 | Hosmer gallery, Forbes library, northampton, ma.
Expressions in Fiber: Three Voices, featuring Florence: Past & Present tapestry series and other works by Tamar Shadur. Click HERE for Forbes Library website.
september 2018 | highfield hall and gardens, falmouth, MA.
Tapestry in New England and Beyond, featuring Yizkor - Holocaust Memorial Tapestry by Tamar Shadur. Click HERE for Highfield Hall website.
October 2016 | R.Michelson Gallery, Northampton, MA.
Contemporary Perceptions, Jewish Papercuts by Yehudit Shadur at R. Michelson Gallery in Northampton, MA. Click HERE for the Michelson Gallery website.
Papercut Workshops and Other Presentations:
June 2022 | highfield hall, falmouth, MA.
A papercut workshop for adults and children as part of the “Understory” exhibit of the Guild of American Papercutters.
June 2022 | congregation knesset israel, Pittsfield, MA.
A Jewish papercut workshop for adults and children on the theme of “Tree of Life.”
april 2022 | united congregational church, holyoke, ma.
A presentation titled “Papercuts and Tapestries: a Mother-Daughter Collaboration,” including a display of tapestries and papercuts.
march 2019 | temple Israel synagogue, Portsmouth, nh.
A Jewish papercut workshop and exhibit of Tamar Shadur’s tapestries and Yehudit Shadur’s papercuts, drawings and paintings.
SEPTember 2016 | beth jacob synagogue, montpelier, vt.
Two events on Jewish papercuts at Beth Jacob Synagogue in Montpelier, VT on September 10th and 11th:
a PowerPoint talk, “A Mother-Daughter Collaboration: Jewish Papercuts and Tapestries”, and a hands-on papercut workshop.
Other talks: A Historical Survey of Papercutting across World Cultures, A Historical Survey of Jewish Papercuts, and A Historical Survey of Tapestry.
To schedule tapestry and papercut workshops, talks, and exhibitions please contact Tamar at: tamarshadur@hotmail.com or 413-992-7994
Pipe loom used in tapestry workshops
Group display of papercuts
Proud papercutters at the end of the workshop